NACI recommends AstraZeneca recipients choose mRNA shot for second dose
Canadians who got the first dose of AstraZeneca and haven’t yet gotten a second dose should choose an mRNA vaccine for their second shot.
That’s the latest recommendation from the National Advisory Council on Immunization (NACI) that came down Thursday.
The preference for mRNA second shots is because there’s now an abundance of Pfizer and Moderna in Canada, and research suggests mixing the shots could yield a better immune response.
Using an mRNA second dose also minimizes the risk of rare but dangerous blood clots known as VITT that are associated with viral vector vaccines.
Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, said she wants people who got two shots of AstraZeneca to rest assured they made the right choice. The vaccine provides strong protection against COVID-19, and for a time, it was the most readily available vaccine when COVID-19 infections were surging during the third wave.
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