Did Pippin from The Lord of Rings Just Promote a New Cryptocurrency Called ‘JRR Token’?
As if we didn’t have enough scam-ridden cryptocurrency out in the world already, on Friday a new coin based on The Lord of the Rings will enter the market. But that’s not the weirdest thing about “JRR Token,” the crypto that identifies itself as “one token that rules them all.” That honor goes to the message from Billy Boyd, the actor who played Pippin Took in Peter Jackson’s films, promoting the crypto.
Earlier this week, JRR Token—not to be confused with the author of the beloved saga, J.R.R. Tolkien—posted a 40-second video of Boyd speaking favorably about the new crypto. Boyd was paid to do the video via Cameo, the platform that allows people to pay celebrities to send them video messages, do live video calls, and write them direct messages. As of the time of publication, Boyd’s video had been viewed more than 198,000 times on JRR Token’s Twitter.
That’s a pretty big impact considering they paid about $145 for the video, which is Boyd’s rate on his Cameo page.
While Boyd doesn’t explicitly tell people to buy the crypto in the video—in fact it looks like he’s reading a script they sent him most of the time—he does say that the currency will be around for the long haul. In addition, he adds that JRR Token will go “to the moon,” which in the crypto world means that the price of the currency will go way up. Not sure if Boyd knows the specific reference, though.
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